Learning for performance

Welcome to the Reyes Tacandong & Co. learning portal. We are a fast-growing professional services firm, with over six hundred professionals.

With growth comes unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Since its beginnings, the Firm has attracted the best and the brightest into its ranks. The competence and brilliance they bring complement the wisdom and expertise of the founding Partners, laying the foundation for future stability and adherence to the Firm’s core values of integrity, leadership, excellence, and teamwork.

As a learning organization, the Firm supports its members’ continuous professional and personal development, and commitment to lifelong learning.

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Anytime, anywhere learning

The blend of youthful promise and proven wisdom, and a commitment to self-improvement and lifelong learning are crucial if the Firm is to adapt and excel in a continuously evolving environment. This portal is dedicated to the self-directed mature learner to provide access to relevant and engaging content.

The courses incorporate the latest in theory, concepts, standards, and industry practices, reinforced by case studies culled from actual work situations and client engagements.

A collaborative learning environment encourages discussion and exchange of ideas.

Content is available anytime, anywhere across all devices in virtually all operating systems in an asynchronous online delivery environment. The primary learning objective is performance, or the ability to apply knowledge in the work setting.

Registration and enrollment

Courses are either open or closed. Open courses are available to all Teammates and can be self-enrolled by simply clicking on it in the courses page. These can be started anytime. Closed courses are graded, with learner performance monitored and recorded. Enrollment is admin-controlled and learners start and end the course at the same time.

Course completion

A learner completes the course upon compliance with all requirements, which may include quizzes, assignments, or other off-line requirements such as a paper presentation. Certificates of completion are awarded and can be downloaded direct from the course page. A course may award CPD credits which are accepted by the Board of Accountancy.

Collaborative learning

A forum for each course serves as a discussion room for learners to interact and share knowledge specific to the course. Every learner is encouraged to actively participate, be an active learner, and learn from others, while sharing knowledge and experiences. A senior manager moderates each forum and provides guidance and expert insights.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are the courses available anytime, anywhere?

Once enrolled, the learner can access the course anytime, anywhere with any internet-enabled device in all major operating systems and modern browsers.

What are the features of a typical online course?

An online course has the same learning objectives as traditionally delivered courses. The learning theories and concepts applicable to learning styles, course design, and instructional strategy are virtually the same as in traditional learning environments. The principal differences are in ease of access, cost-efficient distribution, modes of delivery, degree of learner motivation, and course assets. With advances in information and communications technology, the Internet, smart devices, and authoring software, online courses are becoming the new normal in learning.

Consistency of delivery and uniformity of design make online courses vastly more efficient than traditional face-to-face instructions. Whether learning occurs or not is the test of the course’s effectiveness, which depends on other factors such as the learner’s initiative, desire and commitment, and the quality of the online course. The teacher shifts from being a dispenser of information to a facilitator and moderator. Nevertheless, technology will never replace a good, competent, and committed teacher.  

Are courses graded?

Required courses are identified in the Firm’s training agenda. These include courses that must be taken in certain order and prescribed schedule, usually based on the Teammate’s rank and experience. These courses are graded and the Teammate’s performance is recorded in his or her personnel file.

Other courses are for general and common knowledge designed for information dissemination, understanding, and application (e,g., orientation, IFRS updates). These are not graded although compliance will be  monitored.

How does one register for a course?

Required courses are scheduled outside the busy season, typically between the months of May and November. Participation is determined by the Training Group in consultation with the Human Resource Department and the participant’s cluster head. The participants will be registered at the same time by the Course Administrator and assigned to a specific cohort or online group. Each participant will be individually notified  of course enrollment.

Courses that are open for general enrollment are not graded can be self-enrolled by anybody and started anytime. Click the TAKE THIS COURSE button for the course and access is granted immediately.

Do courses expire?

Each course has a specific duration that starts at the precise moment of enrollment. Upon course expiry access to the course is denied. Awareness of the course access period is important especially for graded and required courses. Participants in these courses begin and end the course at the same time, after which performance results are summarized and reported. For required courses, a group of participants is associated to the course. Membership in this group results in automatic enrollment to an associated course. At the end of the training schedule or when the course expires, whichever comes first, the group is dissolved and any course associated to the group can no longer be accessed by individual members.

Open courses also have expiry dates, but the learner who has not completed the course can simply re-enroll and continue with the uncompleted portion from where he or she left off, or the last completed learning unit. There is no limit to re-enrollment.

What are the system requirements?

If you are viewing the content from the latest modern browsers, you may not need anything more. The requirements for better viewing results are:

Desktop Browser: Internet Explorer 8-10 (Flash only); Internet Explorer 11; Microsoft Edge, latest versions of Google Chrome, Firefox. and Safari. Mobile Browser: Safari in Apple iOS 10 or later; Google Chrome in Apple iOS 10 or later; Google Chrome in Android OS 4.4 or later. Required Browser Settings for Viewing Content: JavaScript must be enabled; font downloads must be enabled (HTML 5 only). Articulate Mobile Player for Viewing Content: Apple iOS 10 or later on iPad; Android OS 4.4 or later (optimized for tablets). Screen Readers for Viewing Content: JAWS 16 or later with Internet Explorer 11 (HTML 5 and Flash), Google Chrome (HTML 5 only), Firefox (HTML 5 only); you may need to upgrade JAWS.

Are courses moderated?

A team of two or more senior managers are assigned as group leaders. They shall moderate forum discussions, grade assignments, and review and assess overall performance assessments. They may be tasked to facilitate live discussions, counsel, and mentor participants

Who do we contact if we have some concerns?

If you have any suggestion or other concern you may first discuss this with the assigned course moderator. You may consider posting a topic in the course forum if the matter pertains to theoretical and subject matter validity, applications to practice, or compliance with standards. If the issue pertains to the site’s functionality, you may use the contact form in the front page. The site does not maintain a 24×7 help desk but your concern will be addressed typically within 24 hours or less.

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